Dark circles beneath the eyes can be a real thorn in your side! No matter how much sleep you get, you just can’t seem to shake those unsightly shadows, and with so many “home remedies” and over-the-counter products on the market, it can be hard to find a solution that really works for you. In actual fact, the reason for this is that most products and methods address the skin whereas the actual problem often lies within the shape of the area underneath the eyes. As the light falls over this hollow area it creates unsightly shadows, which is why dermal fillers might just be that solution you’ve been desperately trying to find.
Long gone are the days of looking tired, drained and unwell thanks to this non-invasive anti-ageing injectable. Dermal fillers have long been used for skin rejuvenation by plumping out fine lines and wrinkles for a smoother texture. They also help to boost the body’s natural collagen, and help you to maintain a more youthful appearance.
For the treatment we do a review at two weeks to check the results and top up free of charge if necessary, subject to practitioners discretion.
For more information, see our faq section below, or get in touch to book a free consultation at North West Aesthetics today.