As we age, the shape of our face changes over time as a result of premature ageing. Over time, collagen and elastin levels within the skin gradually deplete, which leads to fine lines and wrinkling, as well as volume loss and facial sagging. This not only leaves your skin looking dull and tired, but creates a bottom-heavy appearance to your face with the formation of upper facial hollowing and significant jowling around the jaw. In order to gently restore lost facial volume, we often recommend injectable dermal fillers, a temporary non-surgical anti-ageing treatment that is widely popular around the world.
Implementing the expert 8-point lift technique, our aestheticians can fully rejuvenate the face in just one treatment session by injecting into 8 highly precise points in the face. Using the advanced Juvederm Vycross range of fillers, wrinkles are considerable reduced and skin is volumised for a more structured, defined shape to the face. Juvederm Vycross fillers are longer-lasting, yet still temporary, as well as biodegradable and reversible, allowing for a highly personalised treatment plan. The 8-point lift offers a less invasive alternative to full facial rejuvenation, as opposed to traditional surgical face lifts.
For more information, see our faq section below, or get in touch to book a free consultation at North West Aesthetics today.